Mother and Daughter Childbearing
My daughter wrote this blog,
When I was diagnosed with cancer I was always told I could not have kids, so you always think if you can not have kids okay. But I always said if I became a mother I would be a good one and make sure my kid was always happy, loved and at peace. So around 2021 I became pregnant. At first I was scared. I wasn’t
sure if I was ready. So as time when by and he grew i became happier talking to him and preparing. When he was born it was joy my son is the reason I changed my life around I slowed and becoming a better me because I have him he was a blessing, He made me the woman I am to this day and still becoming
everything i do now is to make sure he is always taking care of loved never wants and building a future for to where he never has to worry on what to do next because he will have.So with that he is my peace and the reason go even harder in this world is to make sure he knows and sees mom always made shore things
where in place.
My daughters story reminded me of when she was born, the story tugged at my heart because 2 miracles have occured in one family. My daughter was a forcep delivery and I nearly died, I lost so much blood, all I could hear was Dr. Earlybird (yes truly my OB’s name) go get her mother who was in the waiting room. I could hear my mother calling me and talking to me.
(Background I was a stellar student graduated with a high school and academic diploma, total nerd and still am). When I got pregnant write after graduation I felt like a loser and there were so many other terrible factors. In that delivery room I could hear the despair in her voice and felt it would be worse for me to give
up now and die, so I focused on her voice. My daughter was in the Nicu and I was barely surviving the blood loss. I did not want a transfusion because the “Aids,” epidemic was occuring and I was afraid I would get Aids. My grandmother came to the hospital (my second mother), and she said “Baby, the doctors are
telling us you need this blood transfusion, or you could still die.” Never, could say no to my grandmother so I got the transfusion.
My daughter, my grandson, and Kareem are survivors and have been blessed with the best miracle and that is “When people may have said no, my God had the final answer....He said yes, to all three of us.
January 9, 2024
My daughter wrote this blog, Last year had so many ups and downs and then last year blessed me with a handsome baby boy. This year I’m trying to get everything I didn’t last year for me and my son .Tax season is coming around planning to open his bank account why because I don’t want my son to have to worry or struggle about money a place to lay his head I want him to always be good and not struggle but in that same breath to know how to work to follow dreams he may have but to always shoot for the sky. As I was walking with him I’m find out everyday things he like and don’t like for example every-time we walk he looks at the cars he has a fascination with cards he’s a outside baby loves outdoors I no summer time I’m be chasing him outside lol but on a serious note I so my best to make shore he is happy. My son is my purpose the reason so I do all I can for him I thought being a mother was going to be a struggle but it hasn’t it’s been a breeze and just to wake up to that smile or someone kicking you to wake up I wouldn’t change it this year is going to be me and my son year with prayer and having us in church I know doors will start to open your kid love is unconditional and I do my best to make shore he know he’s loved he is my blessing and change my life.
January 18, 2024
My daughter wrote this blog, Today I took my son for a stroll he loves the outside he’s so like he gets excited about cars and lights then I took him to the park and played with him on slides and swings he loves the slide his smile was
everything for me just running around with him playing with him he’s just so happy. Soon he’s going to be in school but I am going to get him started with daycare like getting use to other kids playing with them so
he’s use to took him to church last Sunday he loved it he ran around pastor didn’t mind about the baby’s and he’s so friendly he so sweet but also help him understand everyone may not be as nice playful as you are so he knows and understand teaching him word and numbers getting him ready taking him back this Sunday I want him to understand church and be used to it but for him to understanding mommy is doing her best to make shore things fall in place for him being a mom is wonderful I love my sons playing with him and spending time getting his bank account started so in life with him coming up he will be okay.