News – Page 2 – Niecyshairnboutique


  • After Christmas

    So the day after the Christmas was amazing with my baby. So Christmas Eve I went upstairs wrapped some of his gifts and put them under the tree.The...
  • Christmas Ready

    So I’m officially done with my Christmas shopping for my son. He has his cloths and Will be getting the rest of his toys I can’t wait to see his fa...
  • Learning New Words

    So just updating so with this woman coming in to help Kareem to talk is helping a lot on top of what I’m doing working. He’s learning new words new...
  • New hairstyles

    So I’m about to do my hair in a new style and will be posting pics next blog I no the websites it about hair also so I want to keep yll updated wit...
  • Christmas

    So last year he had a great Christmas but this year he is going to have a better one last year he had a little Christmas tree I made it my business...
  • Hair ideas

    So I been thinking of some new hair ideas I have a quick weave in my hair it’s ok but I don’t think enough to post.I do have a birthday coming up t...
  • Talking

    So yesterday the lady came over that helps my son to talk as soon as he seen her he immediately sat down on the floor witch makes me happy I though...
  • Learning

    So now my baby is trying to do more things his self yesterday he was in the bathroom and I peeped around with him trying to wash him self and then ...
  • Thanksgiving

    So yesterday was the holidays and this is my boy 2 thanksgiving to were he could really eat.So first I woke up and I cooked my my meal I did ham tu...
  • Potty training

    So now we are at the stage more of me trying to teach him how to use the bathroom I mean it does get hard sometimes because I'm a female and having...
  • Happiness

    So yesterday the lady came over with baby net that is helping my son talk and learn words.So she has this like bubble pop toy that he loves so when...
  • Beauty

    So lately I have been practicing hair nails and eyelashes like I always say hair and beauty is my theme reason I hopped in my mother's business bec...